Brit Digital Notice Board

Formative Assignment Submission Reminder

Khandaker Naimul Alam এর ছবি
Formative Assignment Submission Reminder
{$a->নাম} - {$a->তারিখ} দ্বারা

Dear Student

I hope you must be working on your formative assignment for both Units 3 and 4. It's an initial reminder to those students who didn't start working on your formative assignment yet. If you don't know how to submit the work to get formative feedback, please, send an email to me and I will do the needful to help you on this.

Remember it's compulsory to get formative feedback before your final submission and it gives you more confidence to achieve Pass or higher grade criteria. Thus, for your progress, please, send your work ASAP. The last day to submit your formative assignment is on Tuesday 23rd November 2021.

Best Wishes

- Registry