Brit Digital Notice Board

Formative Assignment Submission for Unit 5 and 6 (Final Reminder)

Khandaker Naimul Alam का चित्र
Formative Assignment Submission for Unit 5 and 6 (Final Reminder)
by Khandaker Naimul Alam - शुक्रवार, 11 फ़रवरी 2022, 12:16 अपराह्न

Dear Students

This is to inform you that you have around 12 hours left to submit your Formative Assignments for both Unit 5 MA and Unit 6 MSBP.

You are requested to start submitting your Formative Assignments for both Unit 5 MA and Unit 6 MSBP using the formative link on Moodle.

Meanwhile, if you have any questions or concerns regarding it or need further support, please feel free to contact your respective tutors:

Unit 5 MA Dr. Adeelah Tariq (

Unit 6 MSBP Maleeha Ashraf (

Note: Formative link for Unit 5 and 6 will be closing on Friday 11th February 2022 23:59.

- Registry